Our Mission: Collective Intelligence for Impact

Information and trust are key in establishing value. By improving the quality and access to information for everyone we enable trust in a digital world. We are here to help make value and valuation - and the verification thereof - open, transparent and collaborative.

50+ Years of Scaling Impact with Technology


Simeon Max


Simeon is an ecologist who previously worked in tropical reforestation, and nature-tech with many of the leading academic institutions and startups.

Florian Doebler


Florian is an expert in bridging innovation and impact. He holds a M.Sc. in Economics and previously worked with G.IZ., the IOTA Foundation and Binance.

Vincent Kienzler


Vincent is an engineer, entrepreneur and holds a PhD in management science. He previously worked with the World Bank, Engie and Untapped Global.

Iulian Circo


Iulian is an experienced Humanitarian turned serial founder. He previously founded Proof of Impact and currently is the CEO and Co-Founder of AI Analytics firm Hyfe.